More Tinkering, Plus Battle Robots

There’s been a lot of family blog work this week. Namely, Lia has a new blog and after seeing what it looks like, Jarrod decided that he wanted a new look to his site. Now I have no excuse not to finally spend some time making mine look a bit more like something that I’d make, rather than the default that comes with WordPress. For those of you keeping score, WordPress is the blogging software that does the heavy lifting to run our blogs.

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System Maintenance: Disappearing Images

I’m messing around with file names and locations. Things should return to normal shortly. Why am I doing this? Because I finally decided to put a copyright notice on all the files, and I figured that while I’m at it I’ll organize the images folder so that things are easier for me to find.

Regular programming will resume tomorrow.

UPDATE (11pm, 9 June 2005): I finished reorganizing the image files earlier this evening, then my server went down for a few hours. Things should be back to normal now.

sushiPod Shuffle Again

I’ve been getting a lot of traffic from Mike Davidson’s “meatspace shuffle” pages. If you’re a first-time visitor looking for more pictures of the sushiPod Shuffle I made for the contest, welcome! The pictures are here. If you want to know more about me and my blog, visit the about page. And since you’re here, you might want to check out the Lost in Translation posts—they’re chock full of Engrish—or Strange, which is… well, strange. And there are tons of photos of Japan, if you’re into that.

If you’re one of my regular readers, please note that I’ve set this post to stay at the top of the page for the time being. If you usually come to the main page to see what’s new, you’ll have to scroll down a bit to see the latest posts. Once traffic gets back to normal I’ll refile this post in its rightful chronological place.

Rural Kitakyushu: Introduction

It’s Golden Week—a series of public holidays—so we have a bit of time off. We took two vacation days (Monday and Friday this week) which gives a grand total of ten straight days off. We’re staying in Japan but we’ll be travelling a bit this week—day trips, but I’m not sure how much time or energy I’ll have to write—so I can’t guarantee daily posts. I’m going to schedule my blog software so that over the next couple of days it automatically posts the entries I’ve already written. But I won’t be sending out email alerts so either check back regularly—I’d suggest after 6am JST—or else use the RSS feed. You can find the RSS link at the bottom of each page.

With the housekeeping matters out of the way, let me tell you about what I did last Saturday. I went for a day-long bike, hike, and photo expedition through the southeast part of the city, an area that included the easternmost part of Yahata Higashi-ku (八幡東区—East Yahata Ward) and the southern part of Kokura Minami-ku (小倉南区—South Kokura Ward). I’d like to post about the entire trip at once, but there were so many interesting things that I’ll have to split it up into a number of posts. My outline shows between eight and eleven individual subjects but we’ll see how many of them blend together. And whether or not I run out of energy or lose interest.

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All About the Bog

Today I wrote up a guide to this blog, including a brief bio, an explanation of why it’s called “the Bog,” and a wealth of other information on important links, searching, comments and suchlike. Enjoy: Everything you didn’t know you wanted to know about the Bog so couldn’t ask.

Edited to note that as of December 2006, references to this blog as “the Bog” are no longer accurate. See the Info section of this site for accurate information about this site.


I love comments. In addition to stroking my ego and encouraging me to keep posting, they help give me an idea of what you want to read about. You can comment using the form at the bottom of each page, or you can send me email directly. Comments sent to Lia will also get to me eventually, but I’d prefer direct feedback. If you use the form, you can just give your name. You don’t need to give an email address or URL. Though that may change if/when I upgrade my weblog software. Send me feedback. Thanks!

Photo strategy

Today I was planning to upload a bunch more photos with strange English but the day caught up with me. So instead of posting an omnibus edition of pictures, I’m going to do them a few at a time. Stay tuned for Arty Farty, Colon Booth, Beauty and Pain Clinic, and countless others.

I’m back

It’s hard to believe that my last entry was in May. Suffice to say that I got really busy. I’m not sure I’ll be updating regularly, but that’s what the announcement list is for. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so at this link. You’ll be sent a notification email whenever I add a new entry.

I’m planning to migrate this weblog to new software as soon as my web host gets its act together and finishes a few upgrades. Or else I’ll be migrating to new software at a different hosting provider. In any case, the combination of motivation and time means that I’ll be posting stuff despite the changes in the works.