Lia Has A Blog Now

Tonight Lia finally succumbed to my haranguing and asked me to set her up with a blog. As you’d expect, it’s much nicer to look at than mine. It’s not working completely smoothly yet, but give it a bit of time. And don’t let that stop you from giving it a read.

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System Maintenance: Disappearing Images

I’m messing around with file names and locations. Things should return to normal shortly. Why am I doing this? Because I finally decided to put a copyright notice on all the files, and I figured that while I’m at it I’ll organize the images folder so that things are easier for me to find.

Regular programming will resume tomorrow.

UPDATE (11pm, 9 June 2005): I finished reorganizing the image files earlier this evening, then my server went down for a few hours. Things should be back to normal now.

13 Views Near Yatsurugi Shrine

Yatsurugi Shrine is in Miyata Town (宮田町), east of Kitakyushu. I ended up there completely by accident, on the tail end of a bike trip on May 5, 2005. I didn’t have a very good map with me, and had followed a couple of signs pointing towards a hiking area, and then got distracted by a series of torii. What follows are some photos in and around the shrine grounds. There are a couple of standard photos of the shrine, and then a lot of pictures of the pink flowers and greenery that took me completely by surprise.

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Iron Chef Sighting at 7-11

A while back I wrote about Ogopogo. A few days later, I encountered something Ogopogo-like while out and about. Around the same time—on April 14th—I wrote about my assorted Iron Chef encounters. And the following week Lia told me that she’d seen a poster of the original Iron Chef Japanese, Rokusaburo Michiba, in the window of our neighbourhood 7-11 store.

At the time, I didn’t have a chance to take a photo and by the time I did, the poster was gone. Luckily, the poster reappeared and I was able to hurriedly take some pictures of it on the morning of May 3rd as we began a journey to Hikosan in southeast Fukuoka.

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Warning: Dangerous Sign Interpretation

I had a completely split-up, interrupt-driven day, filled with schedule changes and miscommunications. But you probably don’t want to hear about it, or the fabulous time I had with Lia this evening, preparing our UK visa applications. Plus, I don’t want to relive the experiences by writing about them further. Consider yourselves lucky that I’ve instead chosen to start posting photos of my interpretations of road signs.

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