Today I’ve got some photos of Saskatoon, taken from the air as our plane made its approach for landing at Saskatoon Airport.
Here’s a view south of the city, looking southeast across the South Saskatchewan River.
Here’s a view of downtown, with a decent view of the bridges, and the east side of the city in the background. From front to back, the bridges are: Victoria, Broadway, 25th Street (University), and CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway).
Another view of downtown. What struck me most, after two years in Japan, was how much space there is between buildings.
This is the residential area just west of the downtown core. I can’t remember, but I think it may be the Caswell Hill area. Regardless of its name, it looks like a scale model. And the landscape is flatter than anything I’ve seen in the last two years. Even the sea in Japan is dotted with islands.