Everyone has their own sense of decor. And temporality. Tonight I’m going to write more about my spring vacation, but I’m jumping back to the beginning whereas my last post was about the end. I know this is pretty nonlinear but I’ll leave it to someone else to piece together the chronology.
Yearly Archives: 2004
Ghost entries
Edited 2006-12-17 to note that the following URL is no longer valid, and that the problem was a combination of my old blogging system (Greymatter) and the caching system at my ISP.
The blog is misbehaving. Some entries show up on the main page in Explorer and Navigator but in Safari sometimes they don’t appear. But they do show up in the archives in all three browsers. If you’re using Safari, click on the Archives link to get a complete view.
Nara park, near Todaiji temple
On April 4th, at the tail end of our trip, we went to Nara. It was cold and rainy and the rain didn’t let up until we had seen as much as we wanted to and were walking down the hill back to the train station to go back to Kyoto.
Kirifuri Falls
The Kirifuri Falls north of Nikko may not be among the most famous waterfalls in Japan but they’re still impressive. After having encountered package tourists at most of the sights in Nikko, I wanted to go somewhere where I could avoid the crowds. As a result, I went to these falls instead of the more famous Kegon Falls.
Kirifuri spring
During spring holidays this year, I spent some time in Nikko, which is about 2 hours north of Tokyo. Nikko is famous for the Kegon Falls—one of Japan’s most famous waterfalls, as well many temples and shrines from the Tokugawa period.